Qiao (Judy) WANG
Assistant Professor at CELESE, Waseda University

My research intersects second language acquisition (SLA), natural language processing (NLP), and artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on the evolving role of digital technology in language education. Over the past 7 years, my work has primarily revolved around Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), covering areas like Game-Based Language Learning (GBLL), corpus studies, automated essay evaluation, and computer-based testing.
I categorize my CALL research into two streams: responsive and inventive CALL. In responsive CALL, I evaluate and apply emerging technologies in language learning, with significant work in GBLL and automated content scoring using NLP tools. I also investigate online learning technologies like live transcripts and metaverse applications in synchronous environments. In inventive CALL, my focus is on creating tools that address real-world needs identified through teaching. Key projects include developing a web-based vocabulary application supporting autonomous learning, integrating gamification features, and leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for automated quiz generation. Additionally, I’m collaborating on fine-tuning an automatic grammar error detection model for Japanese learners, aiming to improve its accuracy and adaptability to specific learner challenges.
Contact: judy.wang[at]aoni.waseda.jp